The 5 curious random informations that everyone should know

 We do many things in our life. We experience many things in our life. Many things we believe which is beyond science and have science. Here you will experience some interesting information you will just say wow.
Today I want to discuss with you about 5 curious random information everyone should know.
Random informations:

Do you know why doctors cut the hairs of all the cancer patients? If you guys think that because of chemotherapy, you are correct this is because chemotherapy kills the cancer cells as well as healthy cells it effects the hair follicles and make them weak then hair loss happens. Doctors cut patients hair before therapy because hair is everyone's favourite when he/she will see that they are losing their hair they will be in depression and will lose their hope.


Do you know that why people goes to astrologers? It is a tricky question that why people goes to a astrologer. Can you imagine how much a astrologer earns think and say me guys down. Why people scare about their life. We should live as much as we can if you go to a astrologer literaly he/she will give you a slow poison by saying about your death. Please don't go there it's better visit to a psychologist ok.


Can you imagine that a paranormal researcher have his own museum? I mean imagine you went to a museum there you will see shapit or cursed object which can kill you in a second or in a mysterious way. The famous doll anabelle is a part of it. Do you want to know that museum name? The name of museum is The Warren's Occult Museum. Would you like visit this is situated in US.


Can you guess the name of the world smallest country in the world without seeing in Google. Of course Vatican City right, do you know about the second smallest country in the world? If you don't know let me clarify it name is Monaco a country in Europe covers the area 2 sqkm with a population of 38,628 people. It is a rich city having many tourist spots.


Do you know why dogs cry at night or follows you in night or any other times. There are many superstitions are there in between dogs cry and following but there is a reason behind this. First of all when they see that you are carring food that time they follow. When a dog crys don't go away as I told you before please help them. They have the special ability to recognise the problem before it occurs. When they will bark on you unnecessary get sure that you will face problem in a perticular work.

Be safe, Be happy, Stay at home take care of yourselves.

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Top 5 curiously dengerous insects which can kill you. You should be aware of it.

Insects are like path fork we all know. We will find it everywhere whether in house or in official work or in school. When we see a insect we just try to kill them but you should know that there are some insects you should stay away from it they can literally kill you.
I want to discuss about 5 dengerous insects which can easily kill you.
1. Kissing Bug

This is a type of bug which is extreme dengerous insect. You are thinking that why it name is kissing Bug. Well I will clarify that it bites human in lips area when you sleep. When it bites you. You will feel like allergic reaction like sweating, redness, pain, itches etc. It transmit a parasite named  Trypanosoma cruzi. It killed about 12000 people all over the world.

2. Bot fly.
This is type of insect which is extreme dengerous because it grows inside you may be. I want to say inside mammals. The above picture is larvae of a bot fly. Generally it does not kill you but it gives extreme pain in epidermal condition and sometimes skin uleration causes death. They host chooses human body for giving birth to young ones. 

3. Fire ants
There are many types of ant species. Fire ants are one species of them. It is also very dengerous like above insects. When it will bite you. You will feel like allergic reactions, you will find burn, iching, it may swell the particular area. It kills people very rarely. It gives people extreme pain but rearly death.

4. Giant Japanese Hornet
These is a part of a bee species. It is extremely dengerous like above insects. It is also known as world largest hornet. They have a very aggressive behaviour. They have 10 mm long sting which has potent venom which attacks the nervous system and damages the tissue of any human. It gives extreme pain death occurs.

5. Tsetse flies
This is a type of species of fly. Which is the extreme dengerous insect ever listed. These are the following effects can be seen when it bites the human are pain is common except this there will be fever, severe headache, irritibility, extreme fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, aching muscle, sleeping sickness and skin rashes sometime observed. This are not fake believe me. After that death. 

There is a humble request if you see this insects anywhere please run away from there because this insects are very much dengerous it can kill you. Stay safe, stay happy, aware people by this. Life is one enjoy yourselves.

Based on people's experiences.
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The 5 badly disadvantages of seeing cartoon that you don't know

Cartoon are also known as anime we all know. It entertains us, it makes us laugh all the time. We should see Anime. All children love to it. We know that every thing has its own disadvantages.
Today I want to discuss about the disadvantages of seeing cartoon.

It effect on children's behaviour because when any child see Anime they try to become like them even if it is villain role for this reason many children fall from upstairs or from roof while doing acting. The best example when Shaktiman was first launched in India many children died.

Foreign Anime cartoons like shinchan, Doraemon shows many things which can make many children more mischievous. As we know that shinchan is the most mischievous in that cartoon. Children should just enjoy that but they didn't do that they start copying.

In foreign Anime cartoons sometime they show adult content which are not good for children under 16 years which are beyond society and bad content. In many cartoons you will get to see. The cartoons that are shown in tv that are fress but in internet that are not fress. You should check.

In many cartoons series there are only fights which will make the viewers vey agressive that effects the children more than adults as we know that they are new learner. They start doing fights in real should be control. 

Anime cartoons efects the children very deeply they start thinking that they are like cartoon characters. There are many villains who does wrong work in cartoon by looking them the children starts doing that which is not good. Children takes bad things more than good things from cartoon. We should take this seriously.

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Top 5 curious advantages of seeing cartoon you should know

Anime is the most entertaining tv serials in the whole world we know it right. Many childrens love to see this. The most creator of Anime are JAPAN. We can see many people who are adults they also like to see Anime.
Today I want to discuss about the advantages of seeing cartoon.
Every one should see cartoons for their for their languages. Animes are made up of many different types of languages. Which can help people to learn that specific language in home itself without going to a coaching centre.

Entertainment channels give relax to the brain everyone not know that. The people those who heavy work in their daily life they should see cartoon with children for atleast 2 to 3 hours after their work. 

Every age people should see cartoon it will entertain you and keep you stay happy. Anime cartoon do not support any social harrasment. 

In many cartoons they give nice massege to the viewers which is needed to the adults also. Many adults do mistakes that's why they should also see Anime cartoons to understand their mistakes.

We are familiar with many cartoons of Japan like sinchan, Doraemon, ninja hatoori etc. In India also many animes are made like chota Bheem, little Singham etc it entertains us. We should see this.

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The 5 badly disadvantages of eating fruits you should know

We know that eating fruits is good for health because it is made up of vitamins and minerals. It keeps us disease free.
And we also know everything has disadvantages also.
I would like to discuss about the disadvantages of eating fruits.
We like to eat fruits which is very delicious in taste. We know everything has side effects. Fruits also have side effects you may face this problem in too much consumption they are diarrhoea, reflux and bloating etc. 

The people those who have blood pressure problems they should avoid sweet fruits because it increases high blood pressure.
It can be dengerous for diabetes patients.

Eating fruits are good habit. The people who are doing diet fruits are good choice. But if that people eat fruit regularly or simultaneously it can work opposite. It can over weight. So we should eat in control.

Fruits that comes in market which we buy are not pure because when farmers cultivate this fruits they use fertilizers and pesticides for that reason many fruits ane not naturally sweet. This are not good for adults and children it causes dehydration or diarrhoea.

Many places you have heard that people use medicines in fruits to become tasty for this reason we are not getting actual fruit. This causes many problems we know then also we buy this. Please stay away from this.

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Top 5 curious advantages of eating fruits you may know

Fruits are the type of food which every people like to eat including other animals.You will see in many places that many mothers forces her son to eat fruits. The question arise why should we eat fruits?
We will discuss about advantages of eating fruits.
We know that fruits are the excellent source of vitamins and minerals including vitamin c and potassium. They are highly rich in fibre. Fruits have nice tastes including there works.

The people who do diets they should eat fruits to avoid junk foods. Which will be effective than eating nothing. The people who are fat they should eat fruits to control their eating habits to lose weight.

Fruits cure diseases naturally. We should eat fruits or drink fruit juice because it prevents us from many uncurable diseases.
The best examples are heart disease, diabetes etc.

There are some fruits which takes care of our whole body parts but that fruits are known to us let's revel some- grapes for lungs, bananas for nice excretion and stay happy etc.

We should know that bitter taste fruits are more beneficial and profitable than sweet fruits like citrus fruits and bitter melon etc.

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The most 5 curious advantages of sleeping in afternoon

Many people of the world sleeps in the afternoon. Sleeping is as much as important like eating food. Our great example for sleeping in afternoon the beautiful country JAPAN.
I want discuss about the advantages and disadvanges of sleeping in the afternoon.

It boosts our memory when we sleep our brain also stays in rest condition for this reason when we study after a small sleep we understand easily.
When we face any exam we had to awake long night for that reason we eat coffee which is not good for health. If we sleep in the afternoon we can easily stay awake for long night.

The people who have high bp problem they should take nap in the afternoon for atleast 1 or 2 hour because when they sleep their body cools down for this reason their bp reduces. Which is good for them.

The people who likes creativity they should sleep in the afternoon for atleast 1 or 2 hours because due to many pressure they cannot give focus to the creativity. If you sleep your mind will be fress and you can get ideas.

It also works on nervous system. When you sleep your nervous system become calm. When you do continuous work your nerves become pressurised. We should take sleep to cool your nerves which is good for you.

Based on people's experiences.
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The top 5 Indian horror thriller movies/series everyone should watch once in life

 Everyone loves to watch movies/series for their entertainment. Movies/series consist of many types like- horror  thriller, comedy, family d...